Massage miracle in stroke patient!

 In Health, massage, therapy

In September 2014, I met a woman by the name of Asha. Her daughters booked her an appointment with me and it was only when I arrived at their house, that I learned Asha was bed bound from a Stroke she suffered in her brain, during Summer 2013.

She didn’t speak much English but with her broken words, I patiently worked out what type of pressure she needed in her massage and the slow pace that she preferred. Asha could not move any part of her body with out assistance. She had pain everywhere and could not move her toes in her left foot. Her hands and feet were cold and you could only use the palm of your hands to massage her or she would feel immense pain.

Her daughters were their mums full time carer and I have never seen two young girls so strong and so positive. You would never been able to tell the life they live behind closed doors.

I massaged Asha a few times on and off before they called me in for one 60 minute massage a week, for 6 weeks.

My experience with Asha was overwhelming. By the 4th week Asha was slowly moving her toes in her left foot and she began to smile at me and say hello on her own accord every time I came over. On the 6th week, as I was massaging her right leg, I noticed her playing with a piece of thread that dangled from a cloth she had wrapped round her. She also said thank you during her treatment which brought tears to my eyes.

We had noticed that Asha had suffered so intensely from this stroke, that she became use to being in bed and with time, her muscles had seized which caused her the pain she constantly feels. Asha was extremely responsive to touch and it enlightened her senses to become active again. Whether it was by facial expressions, movement in the fingers or trying to make conversation with you. If you think from summer 2013 to a year later, she still could not move and then within 6 weeks she is now responding to her surroundings, this was a huge result!

Asha’s daughters told me that they hadn’t told any family members about the treatments she was having and a brother had come to the house once and said “What is going on with mum? She is getting better all of a sudden?” They told them the truth after I had left. They couldn’t believe it!

A few months later, I was called back to see Asha, as she had quite a bit of back pain. Being bed bound and in one main positions day in day out, can have a massive impact on your posture and create an over extended arch in your back if laid down for too long.

I saw her for 1 month; once every week again for 60 minutes and I couldn’t believe that she was now at a stage, where she could slowly walk with a walking apparatus and could adjust herself now and again in bed, moving her legs and arms. Her muscles were softer, I could apply more pressure and her back pain eased.


One thing I must add, is that Asha’s body needed heat in order to relax her muscles. I recommended her daughters to buy a heat bed blanket, which helped soften the body’s tissues.

Results like this only make my job more rewarding and full of excitement to treat many others. If you are caring for somebody, please be very aware of their well being. Sometimes it takes a new scent or a new touch to bring their senses back to life.  It’s mandatory to explore their needs. It could be something so simple like somebody else’s touch.

Always check with the doctor first to see whether they are able to receive massages and if you feel that you may not be able to afford long term treatment, a good Therapist will always do their best to make your life easier financially. At FEELGOOD, I teach people how to massage and care for a patient like Asha, in our 1 or 2 days workshops, so they are able to provide the treatment themselves – and of course, you won’t need to pay for the sessions any longer! If you have a close friend, loved on or relative who suffers from psychological or physiological factors, you may be just the person with the right skills to make them better faster.

If you would like to see their testimonial, please visit out review page on this link below:





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  • Jo

    Another case of amazing attention and passion for what you do. Keep up the good work, I’m sure others like Asha will soon find themselves to your soothing hands.

    Hoping you can fit me in for the 28th or 29th 🙂

    Many thanks,

    • Bee Simoes

      Dear Jo,

      Thank you for your support and comments. We hope you had a fantastic massage recently with Bee and we will look forward to seeing you again!



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