In Health, Lifestyle


Neglecting your body is like saying you don’t mind getting ill or “Bring on the exhaustion and headaches!”

I neglected my body this last month, sleeping late nights and not stretching after training sessions, which resulted me to feeling intense ache, across my back head and shoulders, including pounding headaches.

This time round, I decided to book with a mobile massage company in London as soon as I could. I had never had a 90 minute session but it was vital that I did, as 1 hour sessions are not long enough to work with more than one problem area. Please remember this when you are booking a session yourself!

I always found it interesting that majority of clients book Therapists online, by their image preferences and even though I needed to book ASAP, I found myself doing the same thing! In the end, I decided to go by the years of experience the Therapist had, so I was sure that they would have a good understanding of my needs and were knowledgeable in the Anatomy side of the treatment.

The Therapist arrived 10 minutes early, which was perfect as I then knew we would begin the treatment on time. The 10 minutes gave us a chance to discuss the treatment and allowed her to get changed and set up.

Although we were ready to start at the appointed time, she was having some trouble charging her phone. Most Therapists who use public transport for work, will need to charge their phone each time they arrive at a client’s premises. As their phone is the main source for bookings and navigation, they must have it functioning at all times whilst on call.

I offered to use my charger but she played around with her phone until it began to charge. The big NO NO, was when she unexpectedly stopped the massage about 5 minutes into it, walked over to her phone and began to fix the charger again as apparently had stopped working. The music for the session was playing from her mobile phone, which made it more important to make sure the phone would charge.

MY ADVICE: Always use music from a spare phone, mp3 player or an ipod. Your phone should be the last resort and always great to have the music backed up there, but our phones are one of the things that tends to get lost, stolen or broken first. Mobile music devices are great to have, as it separates any phone troubles and also shows a good level of your organisation. Not being organised or having blips in your service can and will result into losing those extra tips and regular clientele. It is unfortunate but realistic.

Once my Therapist got started properly, it all went well. She didn’t ask me about the pressure, which normally should be asked within the first 3 minutes, but her pressure was strong and just how I needed it. She warmed the oil into her hands well and found all of my problem areas (She worked really hard!) The Therapist was so in tune with her work that she even ran over our 90 minutes. I did pay her a small tip because of that, but she deserved it for really trying her best. Although the pressure was good, the massage was strong and she was extremely friendly, I would not book her in again. Why?

One thing FEELGOOD talks about in our private tuition workshops, is the full package of service, a client should always receive. The way you present yourself, how you pitch your voice during a treatment, not communicating with the client unless ‘they’ talk to you, remarkable technique and the flow of your performance. These things are the key to regular clientele and no matter how well they did with clearing the knots and muscle aches, if the overall package was not complete, the customer will not come back.

For example, you walk into a bakery shop and you see an indulging lemon drizzle sliced cake staring back at you. It’s yours. You have been needing sugar all day and you finally found the prize. You then notice upon eating it, it’s actually a little dry. It said “lemon drizzle” but there is no lemon taste and you have just paid £3.50 for a non freshly sliced cake, when you could have bought two whole cakes in your local supermarket, for the same price!

It is the same thing. The clients we must look after most, is our regulars. Service should always be the same as the last or better the longer they stay with you.


MY ADVICE: So how do we know who to book?

Firstly, check the history and reviews of the Company. If you really want to make sure you book with an excellent Therapist, give the Company a call and let the team recommend somebody that will suit your needs best.

Check their qualifications and years of experience. I have always said their years do not really matter. I mean, I became a good Therapist through practise and this was before I had Qualified and started working! Make sure you state your requirements clearly on your booking process. You will know by their responsive communication if they are serious or not.

REMEMBER – You are entitled to stop a massage or not let it begin if you feel you are not satisfied with the service!



My Therapist was in no rush to leave at the end of the session. She gave me time to have a moment to myself and slowly wake up back to reality. I was very sleepy and dehydrated so drank plenty of water.

After the massage I decided to do a few things around the house – WRONG DECISION.

I woke my body from a sleeping zone so quickly that by being active, I ended up feeling a little dizzy and my headache came back. We always recommend to our clients to take their time and not do anything too physical after a treatment. Be patient, work with your body and regain hydration by drinking water. Your body has just worked on flushing out all those toxins and reviving blood flow circulation, so give it time.

I would definitely recommend a Mobile Massage to anybody that works long hours, hasn’t got much time on their hands and individuals that live stressful lifestyles. It’s time to prioritise yourself and inspires others around you to do the same.


For more information on our private tuition please contact Bee on 020 8150 9109. Workshops are available for beginners and also Qualified Therapists looking to develop their Therapy services.


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